
Showing posts from May, 2021

Elements a book cover should have

  Book Elements based on work from 9TEA 12/4/2021 Student Teacher Back cover A. The blurb, synopsis or plot summary B. Picture or dominant image from the text C. Author's name /Author's picture D. Illustrator’s name (Me!!) E Illustrator's  OR Publisher's logo (me!!) F Colour - background colour linked to text G.       Barcode H        Prices in 3 different countries I         Comments from a newspaper about the book J         Other books by that same author (show cover(s)) II. Front cover A. Title Suitable for the story B        Style of font and colour linked to story C Picture/Dominant Image D Symbols, images related to the story E Background colour or graphics linked to story F Author's name G Illustrator’s name (this is YOU!!) H Illustrator OR publisher's logo (make one up for your publishing company! - see notes below) I. Colour linked to text Spine A Colour B Author's name C      Illustrator's logo D

Book Cover of "The Cay"

        This is my book cover of Theodore Taylor's novel "The Cay". I used google draw and the website ""        to create this book cover.