Elements a book cover should have


Book Elements based on work from 9TEA 12/4/2021



Back cover

A. The blurb, synopsis or plot summary

B. Picture or dominant image from the text

C. Author's name /Author's picture

D. Illustrator’s name (Me!!)

E Illustrator's  OR Publisher's logo (me!!)

F Colour - background colour linked to text

G.       Barcode

H        Prices in 3 different countries

I         Comments from a newspaper about the book

J         Other books by that same author (show


II. Front cover

A. Title Suitable for the story

B        Style of font and colour linked to story

C Picture/Dominant Image

D Symbols, images related to the story

E Background colour or graphics linked to story

F Author's name

G Illustrator’s name (this is YOU!!)

H Illustrator OR publisher's logo (make one up for your publishing company! - see notes below)

I. Colour linked to text


A Colour

B Author's name

C      Illustrator's logo

D Title


  • Page setup must be 27 x 20 centimetres (Google Draw - File - Page - Setup - Custom….)

  • Create your own logo e.g, Ayers Publishers, Fernandez Publishers (and an animal or logo that represents your qualities, or incorporates your initials)  LA Publishers, AF Publishers

  • You can use Google Draw to design your  publishing logo (DO NOT COPY an existing one) 

  • Do NOT copy images from other “The Cay” covers online, because this is plagiarism, or stealing someone else’s intellectual property.  (You can use Public Domain  images from online)

  • Remove background using https://www.remove.bg/  OR https://pixlr.com/remove-background/


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